The Toledo Intellectual Property Law Association has invited me to speak at its Spring Meeting for the presentation “The Addictive Nature of IP Issues” on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at the Toledo University School of Law at 8:30 a.m. For those in Ohio in need of CLE credit and interested in attending, a brochure with further information about the presentation is attached as a PDF below.
I will be speaking on “Trade Secrets: Recent Developments in 2011 and Trends and Predictions for 2012.” Professor Sam S. Han, Ph.D. and J.D., of the University of Dayton Law School and Patrick Anderson, J.D., President of Patent Calls, Inc. in Austin Texas, will be joining me and presenting as well. Sam will speak on “Biochemical Pathways: A Presentation on Substance Abuse” and Patrick will address “Patent Monetization: Who, What and How?”
I spoke last summer in Toledo for the Ohio State Bar Association and it was a tremendous audience, very engaged and thoroughly on top of the IP issues we discussed that day. Those in need of 3.00 hours CLE, including 1.00 of substance abuse credit, should certainly join us.