Here are the noteworthy trade secret, non-compete and cybersecurity stories from the past week, as well as one or two that I missed over the past couple of weeks: Trade Secret and Non-Compete Posts and Articles:
  • “Eaton-Frisby fight that started with trade-secrets theft claims set for trial in Mississippi,” reports Alison Grant for The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Todd Sullivan also has his take on the case in his Trade Secrets and Employees Defection Blog.
  • “Judge Trims Fuhu’s Trade Secrets Suit Over Toys R Us Tablet” reports Law360.
  • For an update on the Eagle v. Morgan dispute over ownership of a LinkedIn account, see “Federal Court Questions Whether Damages Exist in LinkedIn Account Ownership Dispute,” by Jessica Mendelson for Seyfarth Shaw’s Trading Secrets Blog.
  • “MGA Maneuvers to Rescue Big Bratz Trade-Secrets Award,” advises Amanda Brondstadt for The American Lawyer.
  • “Can the public interest trump a non-compete?” asks Rob Radcliff in The Smooth Transitions Blog, and his answer is “yes,” at least in the healthcare industry.
  • “Trade Secrets Injunction Order Demonstrates Difficulty of Balancing Competing Interests” advises Kenneth Vanko in his Legal Developments in Non-Competition Agreements Blog.
  • Fisher & Phillips’ Michael Greco has his monthly post on highlights in trade secret and non-compete law for February 2013.
  • And Brian Bialas has a similar post of 10 recent noteworthy trade secret and non-compete cases and posts for Foley & Hoag’s Massachusetts Noncompete Law Blog.
Cybersecurity Posts and Articles:
  • “Unintended Consequences of ‘Bring Your Own Device,'” advises Susan Ross for Corporate Counsel.
  • And given the recent news of cyberattacks, David Stewart has decided to revisit the debate over whether U.S. companies should be permitted to “hackback” against foreign cyberspies and crooks in Steptoe’s Cyberblog.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Posts and Cases:
  • “Attorney General: Aaron Swartz Case Was a ‘Good Use of Prosecutorial Discretion,’” advises David Kravets for Wired.
  • “Thinking Of Bringing A Computer Fraud And Abuse Act Claim In Federal Court? Consider This Recent Opinion,” warns Josh Durham for Poyner Spruill’s Under Lock & Key Blog.
  • And for an account of a reluctant witness in the Aaron Swartz prosecution, see Quinn Norton’s post for The Atlantic entitled, “Life Inside the Aaron Swartz Investigation.”