Kenneth Vanko, Russell Beck and I have completed our seventh Fairly Competing Podcast, “Trade Secrets, Whistleblowers and The First Amendment.”
In Episode 7, the Fairly Competing Team discusses the unique problems posed by trade secrets suits against so-called whistleblowers and assesses the realities of litigation involving whistleblowers, First Amendment concerns, and state SLAPP laws that may come into play in whistleblower litigation. We also talk about a recent case involving Anheuser-Busch where trade secrets law intersects with an alleged whistleblower’s claim of First Amendment protection.
You can listen to the podcast by visiting the Fairly Competing website, clicking the link below, or subscribing to the podcast on iTunes. (We’d appreciate your feedback).
If you are looking for more on this topic (one that is near and dear to my heart), please see my earlier posts here, here and here.
Our next podcast will address our respective thoughts about recent efforts to enact a federal trade secrets statute, including the proposed Protecting American Trade Secrets and Innovation Act.